Plants of Distinction
Petunia Double Cascade Blue F1 Flower Seeds
The only blue double grandiflora Petunia on the market today. Its cascading habit makes this plant one of the best for baskets or containers.
Expired for the season
The only blue double grandiflora Petunia on the market today. Its cascading habit makes this plant one of the best for baskets or containers. Spreads alarmingly quickly and offers a sea of shimmering deep blue carnation-like flowers which hold up well during inclement weather. 9-12".
SKU | WN-6282 |
Country of Manufacture | United Kingdom |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Colour | Blue |
Seeds/packet | 50 |
Plant Height | 20-30 cm |
Hybrid | F1-Hybrid |
Scientific name | Petunia hybrida |
Common name | Petunia Double Cascade Blue |
Pre-Cultivation | Ja |
Sådd | Förkultiveras inomhus i såjord. Ljusgroende. Fukta jorden före sådd och tryck endast lätt ned fröerna på ytan. Ska inte täckas. Endast transparent täckning försedd med lufthål, alternativt lufta regelbundet. Gärna under växtbelysning ca 20-22 grader. Håll jorden fuktig tills fröna har grott. Placeras ljust och svalt efter groning. Avhärda innan utplantering när frostrisken är över. Toppas för buskigare växtsätt. Rensa regelbundet för längre blomning.
Sow | Feb |
Germination (days) | 10-20 |
Groningstemperatur | 18 grader |
Ljus/mörkergroende | Ljus |
Type | Hardy Annual |
Exposure | Sun/Part Shade |
Cultivation Advice | Petunias come a variety of forms and colours, including short bedding types and spreading ground cover types. Petunias can be over wintered by lifting in the autumn, trimming back to about 15cm or 6in and then potting up into a well drained compost. The plants can then be kept in a cool well-lit position until they can be planted out again in the early summer. Petunia seed is tiny and very fragile, avoid crushing the seed as this can cause damage. The best way to sow Petunia seed is to cut open the foil and add teaspoon of dry silver sand. Carefully shake the foil to mix the sand and seed together and sprinkle the mixture over the surface of the compost. Do not cover the seed. Petunia seed needs light to germinate. For best results sow Petunia seed from February to late April using moist, but not wet, compost placing the seed tray in a brightly lit position, avoiding direct, sunlight. Petunias require a soil temperature between 20C - 27C (70F - 80F) for germination, which should take around 10 to 21 days. When the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant them into individual 3 inch pots. Handle by the leaves without touching the stems and grow on in a cool, frost free, well lit position avoiding direct sun light and pinching out the growing tips once the plants have rooted well into their pots. Finally, pot them on again into 15cm or 6in pots or baskets. Gradually acclimatise to outside conditions before planting out after all risk of frost has passed. Petunias will thrive in a sunny spot on well light drained soil, but don't forget to water them in hot and dry weather. |
Bloom Time | May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct |
Language on package | English |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Storage | Fröer förvaras torrt, mörkt och svalt. |
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