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Plants of Distinction

Leek Pancho Vegetable Seeds

The earliest of the Leeks. A March sowing will crop in August and on to December. Very long bulb free shanks. Pretty useful variety for early production and has a good level of resistance to bolting.
Expired for the season
The earliest of the Leeks. A March sowing will crop in August and on to December. Very long bulb free shanks. Pretty useful variety for early production and has a good level of resistance to bolting.
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SKU WW-902
Country of Manufacture United Kingdom
Brand Plants of Distinction
Scientific name Allium ampeloprasum
Common name Leek
Seeds/packet 200
Germination (days) 10-20
Sowing depth 1 cm
Plantavstånd 10-20 cm mellan plantorna och 45-60 cm mellan raderna.
Exposure Full Sun
Cultivation Advice Leeks are a fabulous, winter hardy, vegetable providing a harvest from September through to April. Flavoursome and easy to grow leeks can be enjoyed in a variety recipes, steamed or braised, in soups or casseroles, or paired with roasted parsnips and smothered in cheese sauce.

Two sowings of leeks, spaced 2 or 3 weeks apart, will extend the harvesting season.

Leeks are easy to grow but need a little looking after. They perform best when sown in containers or growing cells and transplanted to their final positions when they reach pencil size.

Sow Leek seeds from January under glass, a cloche, cold-frame or greenhouse is ideal, or from March or April outside. Germination normally takes 10 to 14 days.

Once the young plants to reach the thickness of a pencil, and have grown to about 20 cm tall, typically by June, they are ready to be transplanted into ready-made holes. Prepare the holes to be 15cm (6in) deep, 15cm (6in) apart in rows spaced 30cm (12in) apart.

Water well the day before lifting and transplanting.

Drop a young leek into each hole, you may need to trim the roots slightly first, then fill the hole with water to help settle the roots.

To increase the length of white stem it can be blanched by gently and gradually drawing up dry soil around the stem, always taking care not to allow soil to fall between the leaves.

Water during long dry spells and keep weed free.
Skörd(x) Skördas efterhand långt inpå senhösten.
Harvest August
Näring Vitamin C.
Medicinal Det sägs att det finns antiinflammatoriska egenskaper i lök
KRAV marked No
Language on package English
Brand Plants of Distinction
Kort om odling Blötlägg fröerna 1 dygn före sådd. Förkultiveras inomhus i såjord mars-april. Täck sådden med klar plast försedd med lufthål. Utplanteras efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över. Kan även sås direkt på friland när jorden reder sig. Kupa plantorna med jord för långa, vita halsar. Skördas efterhand långt inpå senhösten.
Plantvård och plantering När plantorna når storleken av en penna, ca 20 cm, är de redo att planteras i land. Förbered genom att göra hål som är ca 15 cm djupa, och på ett ca 15 cm avstånd från varandra. Vattna väl. Släpp en ung purjolök i varje hål!
Height 30-40 cm
Storage Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place.
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