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Plants of Distinction

Echinacea Pow Wow Wild Berry Flower Seeds

This beautiful first year flowering perennial is perfectly named as the rich rose purple 3-4" flowers are exceptionally showy and are said to retain their colour much longer. Wind proof, early to flower and decidedly branching these plants will bloom continuously without deadheading. AAS 2010 Award Winner. 20-24".
Expired for the season
This beautiful first year flowering perennial is perfectly named as the rich rose purple 3-4" flowers are exceptionally showy and are said to retain their colour much longer. Wind proof, early to flower and decidedly branching these plants will bloom continuously without deadheading. AAS 2010 Award Winner. 20-24".
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SKU WN-801
Country of Manufacture United Kingdom
Brand Plants of Distinction
Colour Pink
Seeds/packet 10
Plant Height 50-75 cm
Scientific name Echinacea purpureua
Common name Purple Coneflower
Pre-Cultivation feb-mars

Förkultivera inomhus i såjord. Täck fröer tunt. Täck sådd med klar plast försedd med lufthål alternativt lufta ofta. Optimal temperatur före groning är 22-23 grader, därefter något svalare. Plantera ut efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över. 

Surface Sow Yes
Type Perennial
Plantavstånd 30 cm
Exposure Full Sun
Cultivation Advice With handsome, long-lasting flowers, Echinacea is hardy, easy to grow, and suitable both for the formal border and a more informal meadow style.

Echinacea flowers have a distinctive, sweet, fragrance attracting bees and butterflies to their long lasting daisy-like blooms throughout summer. Cone Flower is a stylish cut flower, with robust but elegant stems that provide good wind and weather resistance.

Sow Echinacea seeds in late winter and early spring or in late summer and early autumn for over-wintering. From an early sowing it is possible to get flowers in the first season.

Surface sow the seed in pots or trays and press lightly into moist compost. Echinacea seeds need light to germinate, so do not cover. Germination may begin within 5 days but can take up to three weeks at 68 – 75F

In their natural environment, the seeds would germinate after a period of cold, so if there is little or no germination move the tray to a cold area: a fridge at around 4°C (39°F) is ideal, for 2 to 4 weeks.

Prick out each seedling as it becomes large enough to handle and transplant into individual 3 inch pots to grow on. Once you have picked out all of the germinated seedlings place the tray outdoors in a sheltered area over winter and check it again in the Spring, when you may find the more stubborn seeds have now germinated.

Plant out in spring into well-drained soil after gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for a couple of weeks.
Goda vänner Bronsfänkål, prydnadsgräs, rödkvanne, jätteverbena, röllika
Care Easy
Bloom Time Jul, Aug, Sep
Good to dry Yes
Attracts Pollinators Yes
Prairie Planting Yes
Nature-like plantations Yes
Deer Resistant Yes
Language on package English
Storage Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place.
Brand Plants of Distinction
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