Plants of Distinction
Kale Emerald Ice Vegetable Seeds
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This new variety has probably the best eating qualities of all the Kales. The ruffled textured leaves have a contrasting white centre as they mature with a very sweet flavour and a crisp texture.
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This new variety has probably the best eating qualities of all the Kales. The ruffled textured leaves have a contrasting white centre as they mature with a very sweet flavour and a crisp texture.
With excellent winter hardiness Kale is a useful winter to spring vegetable at a time when fresh garden produce is scarce.
With excellent winter hardiness Kale is a useful winter to spring vegetable at a time when fresh garden produce is scarce.
SKU | WW-931 |
Country of Manufacture | United Kingdom |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Scientific name | Brassica oleracea v. acephala |
Common name | Curly Kale |
Seeds/packet | 25 |
Germination (days) | 14 |
Sowing depth | 1 cm |
Plantavstånd | 40 cm |
Exposure | Full Sun |
Cultivation Advice | Cabbages are versatile vegetables with many varieties cropping throughout the year. Spring Cabbage is planted in early spring for mature heads later in the season. Summer Cabbage is sown in April ready to cut in August, Winter Cabbage, sown May for cutting November onwards and Savoy Cabbage, easily recognisable and mainly grown for winter harvest although some varieties mature as early as September and others as late as March. Red cabbages have a much shorter harvest period of September to the end of November but do store well. Cabbages are harvested by cutting through the stem just above ground level with a sharp knife. After harvesting cut a half inch deep cross in the stump of spring and summer cabbages and you'll be rewarded with a second crop of much smaller cabbages later in the year. Cabbage, Kale and other brassicas need protecting from slugs, pigeons and caterpillars, all of whom will attempt to devour the crop before you can. Cabbages like a fertile, well draining, moisture retentive, firm soil. The main crop beds should be dug over and firmed a few months before planting. Cabbage and Kale seed can be sown either directly into a seed bed, or started off in growing cells or seed trays under cover. Seeds should be sown thinly and thinned out to 3 inches as they develop. Germination usually takes 7 to 14 days. Seedlings are ready for transplanting when they have 5 or 6 leaves. Use a dibber to make a hole large enough to accommodate the root ball and firm the soil around the plant. Spacing between plants varies, for compact heads space at 30cm, for large heads allow 45cm and leave just 15cm between spring cabbage to encourage their conical shape. Keep the young plants weed free and well watered until established and then only water during dry periods. |
Skörd(x) | Skörda vid behov genom att bryta av de yttre bladen. Riktigt späda blad är goda i sallad. Smaken blir bättre om frosten fått nypa plantan. Grönkål är en användbar grönsak till vintern som grönsak då det är knappt på annat fräckt i trädgårdlandet och övervintrar i södra och ibland även i mellersta Sverige. |
Harvest | September |
Hybrid | F1-Hybrid |
Näring | Grönkål innehåller mer mineraler och vitaminer än andra kålslag. |
Care | Easy |
KRAV marked | No |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Kort om odling | Så två frön i varje kruka med planteringsjord 4-6 veckor före utplantering. Vattna före sådd. Placera dem varmt, ca 20 grader. Håll jorden fuktig. När fröna grott, placera krukorna, i ett ljust fönster, i ca 15-18 grader. Ta bort den svagaste plantan av de två. Avhärda innan utplantering. Täck med fiberduk hela säsongen. |
Height | 40-60 cm |
Storage | Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place. |
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