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Plants of Distinction

Stocks Tosca Blue Sea Flower Seeds

Wonderful new variety with the most captivating sea blue flowers. A lovely cut flower and ideal for the summer border. 24-32”. HHA.
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Wonderful new variety with the most captivating sea blue flowers. A lovely cut flower and ideal for the summer border. 24-32”. HHA.
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SKU WN-6323
Manufacturer Plants of Distinction
Colour Purple (Violet)
Seeds/packet 50
Plant Height 40-50 cm
Scientific name Matthiola incana
Common name Gilly Flower
Sådd Så direkt på välgödslad växtplats i april-maj. Så grunt i rader eller rundlar. Gror efter 10-18 dagar beroende på temperatur. Gallra plantorna vid behov. Kan förkultiveras för tidigare blomning genom att så glest i fuktad jord. Täck fröerna lätt med vermikulit. Fröna gror efter cirka 7-10 dagar vid 18-20 C. Ställ ljust och svalt efter grodd, gärna 5-8 grader. Omplantera till 1 planta/kruka med gödslad jord när plantorna är stora nog att hantera.  Plantera ut efter avhärdning och sista nattfrost. Vissa plantor kommer att ha mörkare löv än andra. Ljusa plantor är mer benägna att utveckla fyllda blommor medan de mörkare plantorna tenderar att producera enkla blommor.
Sowing depth ytligt
Type Hardy Annual
Exposure Sun/Part Shade
Cultivation Advice Heavily scented spring flowers and a valued cutting flower, Stocks have long been in popular demand. They make beautiful container plants and grown en-masse will scent fill the air. Single or double they are all worthy of a place in the garden. Their tall spikes of scented flowers are carried on sturdy stems. Growing in a sheltered spot will protect the blooms and allow the perfume to linger.

Sow Stocks seed in trays onto the surface of a free-draining sowing compost and cover lightly with vermiculite. Germination takes around 7-10 days at 18-20 oC.

As soon as the seedlings have emerged completely (around 14 days after sowing), drop the temperature to 5-8 oC. After a few days, it will be apparent that some seeds have darker leaves than the others.

Pale looking seedlings are more likely to develop into fully double flowered types while the darker seedlings tend to produce single flowered plants.

Transplant into large-celled plug trays handling the seedlings as carefully as possible by the leaves, not the stems. Grow on cool and finally transplant into the garden when the last frost is over.

Prefers sun.
Bloom Time Jul, Aug
Good cut flower Yes
Good to dry Yes
Fragrant Yes
Language on package English
Brand Plants of Distinction
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