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Plants of Distinction

Artichoke Imperial Star Vegetable Seeds

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Globe Artichokes are a delicious gourmet vegetable and astonishingly easy to grow from seed. Our favourite Globe Artichoke variety is hybrid Imperial Star.

Only 13 in stock
Globe Artichokes are a delicious gourmet vegetable and astonishingly easy to grow from seed. Our favourite Globe Artichoke variety is hybrid Imperial Star.

Imperial Star is sweeter than the average and will produce 6-8 Artichoke hearts in the first season. Specifically bred for flavour and earliness, this fabulous architectural perennial vegetable is at home in both the kitchen and the wildlife garden. Un-harvested Artichokes can be left to flower. Their majestic thistle-like blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies.

To keep Artichoke plants young and vigorous, divide them every two to three years spacing 60 to 90cm apart.
More Information
SKU WW-920
Country of Manufacture United Kingdom
Brand Plants of Distinction
Scientific name Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
Common name Globe Artichoke
Seeds/packet 10
Germination (days) 10-30
Sowing depth 0,5 cm
Plantavstånd 70 cm
Exposure Full Sun
Cultivation Advice Artichokes are still considered a truly gourmet food, and a real delicacy, which is a little odd considering how very easy they are to grow.

Large, architectural perennials Globe Artichokes are primarily grown for their edible flower buds but are ornamental enough for the flower garden.

Remove the flower buds, ideally when they reach the size of a golf ball, using a pair of secateurs from July, before they open and start to flower. Boil or steam the immature heads until tender, then drain and remove the leaf scales one by one. Dip in melted butter or serve with Hollandaise sauce sucking out the juicy flesh from each scale. Don’t eat the inedible ‘choke’.

To grow your own Artichokes, seed can be started in a greenhouse, conservatory or even on a windowsill. Sow seeds late February, planting a couple of seeds into a 9cm pot using a good quality soil-based compost. Water as necessary ensuring that the compost is neither left water-logged nor allowed to dry out.

Artichoke seeds should germinate within 14 to 21 days but they will need to remain in a protected environment until the threat of frosts has passed. Young Artichokes should be around 8 to 10 inches tall, with stocky stems and two sets of true leaves before they are planted at least 4 feet apart into a rich, deep, free-draining soil. Ideally in a sheltered position where they can receive full sun for most of the day.
Skörd(x) Täck marken intill kronärtskockan med gräsklipp eller kompost för att behålla fuktigheten i jorden. Vattna vid behov. Fram till skörden kan kronärtskockan gynnas av extra gödning. I allra sydligaste Sverige kan kronärtskocksplantor klara sig utomhus under vintern om man skyddar dem med halm.Kronärtskockan är en tistelväxt där man äter själva blomman. Blomman skördas strax innan den slår ut. Kronärtskockor skördas från augusti till oktober. Du vet att det är dags att skörda när de köttiga fjälliknande blad som sitter på utsidan börja separera sig från varandra. Det vanligaste sättet att avnjuta kronärtskocka är att koka den och äta de köttiga delarna av bladen tills man kommer ned till den minst lika goda kronärtskocksbottnen. Kronärtskocka kan ätas med bara smör och salt, men det är också trevligt att kombinera den med kryddsmör och dippsåser. Däremot brukar vin och kronärtskocka inte vara en bra kombination, så drick helst något annat till måltiden.
Ready to Harvest Early
Harvest August
Care Medium
Attracts Pollinators Yes
KRAV marked No
Language on package English
Brand Plants of Distinction
Kort om odling Förkultiveras inomhus i planteringsjord. Täck sådden med klar plast försedd med lufthål. Utplanteras efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över. Blomknopparna skördas efterhand strax innan de öppnar sig.
Height 75 -150 cm
Storage Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place.
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