Plants of Distinction
Lettuce Cosberg Sweet Success Vegetable Seeds
Available weeks
A unique variety, being a cross between an Iceberg and a Cos Lettuce with sweet, crunchy deep green leaves. The boat-shaped leaves have the taste of an iceberg Lettuce but the texture of a Cos.
Expected in stock 2025-02-24
A unique variety, being a cross between an Iceberg and a Cos Lettuce with sweet, crunchy deep green leaves. The boat-shaped leaves have the taste of an iceberg Lettuce but the texture of a Cos.
The crunchy texture is perfect in a salad or the leaves can be picked whole and used as serving boats for hot or cold accompaniments.
The crunchy texture is perfect in a salad or the leaves can be picked whole and used as serving boats for hot or cold accompaniments.
SKU | WW-1347 |
Country of Manufacture | United Kingdom |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Scientific name | Lactuca sativa |
Common name | Lettuce |
Seeds/packet | 250 |
Sådd | Denna gröda kan direktsås i marken efter den sista vårfrosten. Du kan även starta växter inomhus 4-6 veckor före sista frosten datum. |
Germination (days) | 10-20 |
Plantavstånd | 30 cm |
Exposure | Sun/Part Shade |
Cultivation Advice | There are so many types of lettuce to choose from, varying in size, colour, flavour and texture. Loose-leaf lettuce is open leaved, while heart forming lettuce has a dense crisp centre. Lettuce seed does not germinate well in high temperatures so keep summer sowings shaded and very well watered. By choosing the right varieties, and sowing little and often, its possible to enjoy home-grown lettuce almost all year round. Depending on the variety chosen, lettuce seed can generally be sown from February onwards with a cloche for protection, or from March onwards directly outdoors Germination normally takes 14-21 days. Indoors sown lettuce seed can be propagated in pots or trays and outdoor sown seed planted in drills when the soil is warm enough. Indoor raised plants can be moved or transplanted into the garden from March or April, ideally they should be offered a little protection from a cloche or cold frame at first, and spaced 4 to 6 inches apart. Thinning of the lettuce seedlings can begin as soon as the first true leaves appear and should continue until the plants are spaced 30cm (12in) apart. The seedlings can be washed and eaten. Protect young lettuce from hungry birds with fleece or chicken wire. Slugs can also be a problem around young seedlings. There are many eco-friendly ways to control slugs and snails, including beer traps, sawdust or eggshell barriers and copper tape. Traditional slug pellets can be harmful to pets, wildlife and young children if ingested. To maximize salad leaf production, plant lettuce in raised beds. Raised beds warm up faster than the surrounding ground, so you should be able to get an earlier start in the spring and a later crop in the autumn. To make the most of limited garden space, plant lettuce around taller plants like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and peppers. The lettuce helps its neighbor by keeping the surrounding soil moist and cool and keeping weeds shaded out. As the taller plants grow, they in turn provide necessary shade for the lettuce during the warmer days of summer. Many varieties of lettuce are also welcome additions to ornamental beds. The key to successful lettuce production is supplying moderate but almost constant water, especially during hot weather. Unless there is regular rainfall, lettuce must be watered deeply at least once a week—more frequently during periods of drought. |
Harvest | May |
Höstsådd | Höstså så sent som möjligt. Du vill inte ha plantor på hösten och sallatsfrön kan gro redan vid 3–4°C. |
Care | Easy |
KRAV marked | No |
Language on package | English |
Brand | Plants of Distinction |
Kort om odling | Förkultiveras inomhus i såjord feb-mars eller så direkt på friland när jorden reder sig. Vid förkultivering - täck sådden med klar plast försedd med lufthål. Utplanteras efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över. Vattna jorden före sådd och håll fuktigt under grotiden. Sås i omgångar för god tillgång hela säsongen. Gallra till 15 cm - ät det du gallrar. |
Plantvård och plantering | För de flesta växter rekommenderas sk avhärdning. Det innebär att du gradvis under ungefär en vecka vänjer plantorna med uteklimatet genom att skydda dem mot alltför stark sol, vind och kyla. Om du inte kan, vill eller hinner avhärda så försök skydda plantorna genom att täcka med exempelvis fiberduk. Sallatsplantor gillar inte inomhusklimatet och vill ut direkt till svalka och fukt. Om du är rädd för nattfrost - täck plantorna med fiberduk. Om du ändå väljer att ha dem inomhus ett tag - ställ dina plantor svalt och var flitig med blomsprutan. Detta innebär också att sallat helst odlas vår och höst. Plantera i en kvalitetsjord, gärna ekologisk, som innehåller lera som binder gödsel/vatten som senare tillförs, sand så att jorden blir lucker och rötterna får luft och kompost som tillför näring och mikroorganismer. En bra jord gör att du inte behöver tillföra gödsel under de första veckorna. För din vidare odling kommer du att få tips & råd i samband med leverans och via vårt nyhetsbrev. |
Height | ca 20 cm |
Storage | Keep your seeds in a cool, dry and dark place. |
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